Sunday, May 28, 2006

"And get some damn clothes on!"

The lane wends its way back and around the farmhouse to here, where it widens into a broad, grassy sward contained only by the woods which encircle it on three sides. Buildings break up the purity of the landscape: an open-sided structure which serves as a garage and the big barn, empty of livestock, to the east. A good-sized vegetable and herb garden furrows the land south of the barn, while a pyramid-like pile of rocks, of similar consistency to the gravel of the lane, rests a few yards south of the garage.
North of the buildings, the fields have long been fallow, hastening a conversion from farmland to natural prairie. A sliding glass door allows admittance to the farmhouse, the interior obscured by Levolor(tm) blinds in a wood-grain pattern. The lane leads out around the house to the southwest. The discerning can just barely pick out the beginnings of a faint path into the woods towards the southeast.

Morgan's mouth twitches a little, as her gaze catches on Dillen and his nod first. Then it shifts. To Grey. And her eyes get very large, with her eyebrows nearly disappearing in that mess she calls a head of hair. "Grey-rhya!"

Some -- though not all -- of Grey's seething, simmering anger subsides as he turns and sees the once-cub. He greets her with a curt, "Morgan." A glance at Dillen and then back again. "I hear that you passed your Rite." It's not easy to be pleasant when there's a white hot fury clawing at the back of your eyes.

Dillen leans against his bike once again. "Morgan did well on her rite. I see her becoming a great garou." He gives the metis a slight smile and then look back to Grey. "It is good to see you back, Grey. Even if I must be the bearer of bad news."

The farmhouse's back door opens to admit Kevin to the farmyard. Outwardly at least, he looks very much the same teenager he has for the last several months; he's still clad in his sempiternal track-suit and running shoes, and still seems barely in need of a razor for the sparse outcrop of hairs on his prominent chin. He comes out of the house in rather a hurry, as though in a rush to be somewhere, and looking less then pleased, but as soon as he catches sight of Thomas Grey the discontent vanishes from his face. "Grey!" he yodels, and his hand shoots from his side to point at his tribesmate.

Morgan's eyebrows twitch a few times now, and she looks pleased, if slightly, vaguely. One hand finds its way up to her mouth. "Grey-rhya, you gone very long time. Is lots lost. Is okay?"

Grey grimaces at Dillen and gives a bit of a shrug. "I know, Morgan. And let that be a lesson to you. Never listen to a coyote--" The last word is cut off right at the end, thanks to Kevin's yodel; the Glass Walker turns quickly at the sound of his name.

Dillen looks to Kevin and gives a slight wave of a hand. "Hey Kevin." And then his gaze goes to Grey, awaiting what may come.

Reggie waddles around the barn from the field chewing on a sloppily made bologna sandwich, bright yellow mustard leaking in slow drops down his hand, one stray drop making the leap and burying itself into the fur of his wolfskins making up his ragged appearance. Accompanying him is Cricket.

Kevin's initial look of delight becomes slightly modified, as though, while glad to meet Grey for the first time in weeks, he would sooner have done so without the metis and his former pack alpha as spectators to the reacquaintance... not to mention the two further garou who choose this moment to appear from the fields.

Morgan bites at the joint of her left middle finger, eyes flicking from Grey to Dillen, then over to Kevin, and finally to those quickly approaching. Her fidgeting, always slightly present, only escalates.

Cricket follows behind Reggie, standing out like a sore thumb among all of the white-skinned Garou. Her brow develops ceases when she notices something going on in the barnyard.

Grey notes the arrival of Reggie and Cricket -- no recognition for the latter -- with a grimace of irritation, then excuses himself and heads over toward Kevin. As with Morgan, he mollifies his anger somewhat, as best he can anyway, and rakes an eye over his tribemate consideringly. "You all right?" he asks, in a tone of curt concern.

Basil drifts from the back door of the farm house in a set of olive drab clothing that makes him stick out like a khaki blemish on the horizon. It's almost as though he doesn't notice the others as he drifts along towards the farm yard, trying to light a cigarette as he makes his way towards the barn.

"And now we see Reggie has returned as well." Dillen nods his head, "Welcome back. Got some things to tell you..." He is quiet enough about it, not wanting to interfere too much. A glance is given to Basil as he makes his way towards the barn.

No-Step emerges onto the farmstead from the woods, the wolf trotting along briskly - he pauses when he sees the gathering and approaches, but only slinks around the edges, letting out a chuff to herald his arrival. Beyond that, he decides it would be wisest to stay out of the way.

Catching the sight of the crowded barnyard, Reggie hesitates in his steps, then jolts to a stop as he recognizes one missing face, and he lifts his gnarled arm up to point at Grey. "Y-you!", he gasp, as though he's just seen Grey's shade instead of Grey himself. "Wha--? Have you been here all this time? Did you even touch the tree?" he splutters.

"I'm just fine," Kevin assures Grey. "All the better to see you safe and well. I know you're indestructible, but it's nice to be proved right." He raises one hand to give the philodox a cheerful, light shoulder-thump, and then he looks round at Reggie -- his eyes pausing on Dillen en route, giving him what is plainly meant to be a Significant Look.

Cricket looks towards Reggie before following his finger-pointing towards Grey. She lifts a brow in silence as she remains perfectly quiet as she looks around. She could very well just be Reggie's shadow for the meantime.

Dillen runs a hand across his head and looks about. "This is gonna get sticky. Perhaps I should take Reggie somewhere and fill him in." The look from Kevin is given back, a nod of his head. He opens his mouth to speak to his former packmate but instead the words come out towards Reggie once again. "Farmhouse?" As it seems the voices from inside have subsided.

Grey turns to give Reggie the sort of look you'd give to a dog that just up and took a shit in your favorite shoes -- and it's not even a dog that you like. Then he turns his back on the Uktena to focus on Kevin. "Dillen said you'd scouted out the tire fire."

Basil finally lights the cigarette with a broad grin about the time he gets to the edge of the barn yard, and lifts his gaze to glance at the people around him. First to Reggie, his friend, Kevin and Grey, then to Dillen. He doesn't say anything yet, but eyes the group warily from his position.

Grey has not, unsurprisingly, noticed the wolf slinking around the barnyard yet.

"I did that," Kevin retorts, not without a certain pride. "Got every hair singed off my hispo butt for my pains, not to mention other annoyances... but I know that place like my own back yard now, and we can take it if enough of us go in together." He turns as he hears familiar footsteps approaching and gives Basil a casual -- possibly too casual -- wave. He too shows no sign of having spotted the lupus cub yet, his attention focused on the other homid garou in the yard.

No-Step sits and puts his ears back, taking the moment to very quietly watch the assembled group. Though it doesn't quite last - after a minute or so he yawns and sits there with his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth.

Reggie gapes at Grey like a large mouth bass flopping on a riverbank, out of its element of water. "You--you didn't--the red tree--", he splutters, before he notices Dillen's addressed him with something. He blinks as he refocuses on the Get. "Uh, what? House? What?" He looks wildly around, catches sight of Cricket, grimaces as he shrugs, mouth pulling to one side in confusion, then he tends a tentative step towards the farmhouse, and another after seeing if Dillen's also moving.

Dillen gives a nod, mostly to himself and lets out a slight breath of relief. It's not too noticeable unless someone was focusing on him. The wave towards Basil is met with a slight curl of a lip. He then moves towards the farmhouse, motioning for Reggie to follow. "Come on. Will fill you in on the past two months."

Grey looks over at Basil after Kevin does, his gaze drawn by his tribemate's attention, and he gives the Bone Gnawer a nonhostile nod, or starts to, for that's when he spots No-Step lounging around on four legs. His eyes narrow. "Have the farmhouse rules been changed?" he asks Kevin, while staring directly at No-Step.

Cricket follows Reggie when he takes a step forward. The young Uktena appears stunned like the deer in headlights and wouldn't be left alone for a second with these Garou.

"Eh? No --" Kevin turns to look in the direction Grey's staring in. "No," he repeats with a frown. "Hey, you, wolf. No running round the yard looking like tha... oh hell," he interrupts himself. "Is that Derek?" Cricket earns a passing scowl from him as she follows Reggie, but No-Step catches the full glare of his discontent.

Basil eyes Dillen and Reggie when they pass by, then turns his attention to Grey when he catches the nod. He hesitates, then returns it and starts to slowly creep closer to the two. "So, uh. You did do the scouting? How does it look? Uh.... Bad?"

Morgan looks as though she too, would like a smaller gathering. She continues biting at her fingers, even harder than before, and glancing equally between each and every Garou present.

No-Step contorts, going through the rigors of painstakingly shifting back up to Homid. No clothes, but he doesn't really seem to care anymore. He brushes his hair back. "I was out in the woods on the Bawn, having a run, and trying to master having an extra set of legs. I came back, saw a bunch of people gathered around, and got curious." He looks at Kevin out of the corner of his eye, and then back to Gray. "If there's a rule, I didn't know about it."

Dillen gives a growl towards Basil. "You should have been there too." And then a flash is made towards the lupus wolf. "Jeez! You don't do that sort of thing out here where people can see!!" He slaps a hand to his forehead. "Go look upstairs in the infirmary. Pretty sure there are some clothes up there..."

Reggie's pace after Dillen is glacial, as he gawks at the other people present as though they're exhibits, giving people he knows a brief look and nod, and the cub changing out in the open of the barnyard a long stare, before leaving the cub to his elders as he follows Dillen. Cricket gets the occasional glance as he thinks to check how she's taking in things.

Kevin gives Derek a horrified look as he starts shifting in the yard. "Whoa! Whoa! In the barn, damn it!" he gasps, waving his arms like a windmill at the cub. "And get some damn clothes on!" he adds, going pink in the face as the cub's transformation is completed and he's confronted with Derek's naked form.

Grey's fingers twitch. Though his voice has been fairly calm, that aura of repressed fury hasn't gone away. In fact, it's slowly becoming less repressed. "Who is he?" the ex-Ahroun asks.

"Our fault for not telling him, not his for breaking it." Basil speaks up, coughing a little as he grows closer and closer to the duo. Then he looks at Dillen, and back to Kevin. "It was a scouting mission, not an assault. I was getting payment for the Totem we got. For tire fire attack. Patches said he'll help us." Basil passes his cigarette to Kevin, then strips off a tank top that had been tucked into his pants. "Wear this for now." He speaks, balling it up and tossing it at the cub.

"He's ours," Kevin growls, "and he should know better because Tu and I have hammered the litany into his stupid skull hard enough. What does it say about the Veil, you nitwit? It shall not be lifted/, and that means no changing in public." He waves a righteous finger in Derek's face.

No-Step looks up at Gray, as he snags the shirt, and tosses it back. "I put a change of clothes in the house," He says. "No problems. My name's Derek, and they tell me I'm a Glass Walker Theurge." He turns to give Kevin a bland look - totally flat - and then says, "I'll go in the house to change, now, since I seem to have fucked up." He looks to Grey. "Whatever I did that's pissing you off, I'm sorry, man." And then he trots away.

Grey grimaces and says a few words in Serbian, sounding at once disgusted, angry, and tired.

Dillen growls low at Basil and scowls. "Reggie. C'mon." Another flash towards the naked cub and a shake of his head. "And we don't break the litany..." Dillen adds, a little bitterness in his voice. With that, he moves towards and into the farmhouse.

Morgan winces, and bites into the side of her hand this time, rather than a finger joint.

Reggie slides the glass door at the rear of the farmhouse open, and walks inside.

"Insolent little sod," Kevin comments loudly as the Walker cub disappears inside. "Please tell me I was never like that, Thomas?" He looks at Grey with a tired look of his own.

Basil uses both hands and steps into the shirt when it comes back towards him, then puts it on, hiding away his branding once more. "He's not so bad. At least he's not Andrew. Or like me. Count your blessings, Kevin. And remember, he's a cub like we were. Gettin' angry at him won't solve nothing."

"Morgan, stop biting yourself," says Thomas Grey, in the automatic tones of a parent. One hand comes up and rakes back through his overlong hair. "Who's been teaching him?" He looks at Kevin. "Who's left, of the tribe?"

Cricket stares in shock and gives the undressed cub sometime to vanish into the farmhouse before she follows the other two in.

"Hard to say," Kevin drawls in a voice more akin to his normal tone. "Tu's still elder, I'm still resident smartass... Scratch and White Rabbit may still be around, but I never used to see them from one week's end to the next, so I wouldn't know if they had quit town. I think that new girl Ramona took over the spare room at the house. And him," he concludes with a jerk of the thumb to the back door through which Derek just vanished. "Tu and I picked him up from the truckstop on the interstate. Fetch came all the way to the house... which is why I knew there was something wrong with you," he adds. "Your place was way nearer, so I knew the spirit couldn't find you, so I knew you were somewhere a long way off."

Basil looks over at Bug, then smiles and taps his forehead with a single finger. "Didn't see you there, Morgan. C'mere. I have something for you, if you want it. It's another instrument." The Ahroun almost murmurs, barely repressing a small smirk.

Grey grunts. "If only. More like a time slip. Coyote spirits are worse than lunes and Wyldlings. Gaia only knows what it's purpose was." Fingers drag back through his hair again. He glances toward Basil and Morgan, then looks back at Kevin, studying the Ragabash for a moment. "You're sure you're all right?"

Kevin meets Grey's eye just that little bit too readily for it to be entirely natural-seeming, and the response of "Never better, I promise," is just that little bit too glib. Then he looks at Basil, and gives him the same brief meaningful glance that Dillen received from him a moment before. "As I was about to say before our cub started his striptease... the fire's nasty, and we may get hurt, even lose some. But it's got to be done, so..."

Morgan grimaces at Grey's order, but tugs her hand away from her mouth immediately. To Basil, she looks warily, then meanders over toward him, still making a face.

Grey squints at bit, but keeps to military subjects. "Dillen mentioned balefire."

"The least we could do is give putting the fire out a shot. In the physical realm, I mean. Maybe see if the people in charge of it started it on purpose... " Basil suggests, then turns to Bug with a smile, reaching into his pockets. The Ahroun pulls a plastic five-set of multicolored, still packaged kazoos from his pocket, and opens them. "Like this." Basil demonstrates, playing a brief 'tune' before offering them to Bug.

Kevin looks puzzled at Basil's gift, then gives a short harsh laugh when he realises its nature. He turns back to Grey. "Dillen wasn't there," he says. "Emma, Laura and I did it... but he's right. I got burned." A frown comes onto his face once more. "Closest I've come to going back to Gaia since that time I got run over by the Umbral truck. But they got me out of there, and Laura... well... she made it all right." He's flushed again, and his eyes keep going to Morgan for some reason.

Morgan's eyes widen considerably at the 'instruments', and she reaches out one finger to touch, first the bag, and then one of the kazoos themselves. Her nostrils flare. "Radio!" she says, sounding very pleased. "Is harm'ca, yes? Red. Blue. Yellow..."

Grey pinches the bridge of his nose. "Putting the fire out in the Realm would be useful, yes, but if there's something nesting it'll need to be attacked and destroyed in the Umbra. Balefire..." His hand lowers, fingernails tugging absently at the thickening, greying beard. "I heard once that the Gift that Fianna have that lets them throw off alcoholic effects lets them resist the effects of Balefire..." He's thinking aloud.

Derek comes back out, now fully-dressed, though he once again sticks to the fringes of things. He looks around and then proceeds to head to the nearest shady spot and sit. One knee goes up, one arm gets wrapped around it. He'd look lazy, if he wasn't watching everybody around him as if they were about to jump him and rip off his head.

"Like har-mon-ni-cas, only simpler. Be careful with them, ok? And don't lose them." Basil coos to the Fianna Metis, just smiling at her for a few minutes before turning to Grey. "I did a little reading when I was in the city, after I was condemned. Sorry." He smiles thinly. "Sentenced. It seems tire fires are hard to start. And hard to put out. I think the company may have done it on purpose. I was also thinking we could get some talens or something to help put out the fire."

Kevin's eyes still return to Morgan, time and again. "You're the Fianna," he says to her, addressing her directly for the first time since he entered the yard. "Is that so?" When Derek comes back out of the house, clothed, he gets another dirty look at first, but then Kevin forces a sort of smile onto his face. "Derek," he invites, "don't lurk over there. Come and meet someone you need to know." He indicates Grey.

Grey nods to Basil. "We'll need talens if we've any hope of fixing this. Fire's bad enough. Balefire's worse than silver." No rest for the wicked, and he didn't even get to experience the time that he was away. With a shale of his head, he turns an eye back over to Derek, sizing the boy up.

Derek gets up and walks back over to the group. He casts another bland look at Kevin, and then looks up at Grey. He brushes under his nose, and then stifles a slight tremor in his hand. "You know," He says to the Philodox, "Ever since I got here people have..." His eyes slide to Kevin, then back to Gray, "like, expected me to be piss-my-pants batshit terrified of my own shadow. You know? Then they get mad when I'm not. I'm a lot happer being scared of everybody but still tryin' to think straight. Sorry about that," He mumbles. "I did forget the rules. I'm Derek," He adds, quietly.

"I'm going to look into physically investigating the company itself. I've set Kevin on getting information about it, where it's located, and so on. If they are Wyrm tainted badly, we could stage a bad looking robbery or a eco attack on the offices. Cut power, go in with Crinos armed with human weapons. Only if we're sure though. I don't like the idea of killin' innocent people. Anyone got that sensy Wyrm thing besides Kaz?" Basil asks, glancing between the two.

"As it happens, nobody who saw you shouldn't have seen you," Kevin says sternly. "But you can't always count on that, even at a place as safe as this farm. It's not his fault really," he says to Grey somewhat unexpectedly. "With you being gone and me... indisposed, he's hardly had chance to be taught much beyond the basics. I did try and rope in a Silver Fang to help, but that seems to have gone to pot."

Grey's gaze shifts from Derek to Basil, and again he gives the Bone Gnawer a nod. "Sound idea. And sensing the Enemy's a common enough Gift, though no one in our tribe knows it." He grunts, acknowledging Kevin's words, then notes to Derek, "There are two parts of the Litany that are never argued or doubted. Never let a caern be violated. And never let the Veil be lifted. If you remember nothing else, remember that."

Morgan looks a little taken aback, with one kazoo partway in her mouth. She chews on the end of it, frowning. "...Not know if balefire. I no try yet." She glances between those still here. "Can smell Wyrm."

Derek scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah. I remember the first one. I just figured everybody here would be a wer- Garou. To assume makes an ass out of u and me." He says, before he quirks his mouth. "It wasn't his fault. He got into a fight with another silver fang and - uh." He rubs the back of his head again, as if he's rethinking what he wants to say. "Nevermind."

Basil smiles somewhat at Grey, though his nervousness still doesn't fade away completely. "Kevin came up with the robbery idea. I was thinking eco-terrorism." He glances at Derek, then looks at Bug and shakes his head a bit. "Hum into it." Basil speaks, softly, then turns back to the two Walkers. "I... Could teach him, or help anyways. I know a bit of lore and the laws and how to throw punches, lead, and swing a sword around."

"Excellent!" Kevin grins to Morgan, before facing Derek again, and, in the absence of an introduction from Grey, making one himself. "Derek, this is Thomas Grey, philodox cliath of our tribe. He's forgotten more about the Wyrm than I shall likely ever know, so take my tip, and when he talks, listen, mmkay? I don't mind admitting that I feel a lot... safer... with him around again." He flashes Grey a quick look. "Yeah, like Basil said -- if we do some nosing around into the owners online we might turn some useful stuff up, and even if we don't we're no worse off."

"I figured I'd need a Theurge to teach me, but uh... from what I've been told, when it comes to Glass Walker Theurges in this town," Derek looks a little glum, here, "I'm it."

"One of my packmates is a Theurge," says Thomas Grey, "and unlike some Black Furies," -- was that a hint of anger again? --"has a level head."

Morgan blows into the end she's chewing on, but rather half-heartedly. It makes a noise equally half-hearted, a rather quiet sounding fart. She seems far more content to chew on it like some kind of plastic cigar.

"Maybe I should get her a chew toy." Basil half wonders aloud, scratching behind his head while watching the Metis. "I guess Walker Theurges are kinda sparse, sorry kid. Anyways. Someone should also be looking in real life. We have the firm's name, right? Call up, sound official. They probably do waste management. Talk about being interested in a deal or something."

"Until and unless White Rabbit shows her face, it's just you," Kevin agrees. "But if you're thinking of farming him out to Laura, Grey, I couldn't agree more. She's keen as mustard... even when she's hacking at you with silver," he adds with a sudden twist of pain coming to his face.

Grey grunts. "She's a healer. Sometimes, surgery hurts." He brushes back a stray lock of hair and looks at Derek. "What have you learned so far?"

Derek looks up at Grey. "I've got the Litany down pretty good," He says, "And I can shapeshift pretty well, and -" He thinks. "Other than that I've just been trying to stay out of trouble. People have bigger problems, right?"
"I wouldn't wander the woods alone if I were you. There have been occasional attacks on and off again in the woods by tainted animals for a few months." Basil stubs out his cigarette on the side of his boot, then takes out a folded paper cup and puts it inside. "Alone, they'd make mincemeat out of you. The strength of a Garou is in your brothers. That's a good first lesson for you to remember."

Grey grunts. He gives Kevin a glance, then turns back to the cub. "You're one of our 'bigger problems'. Or at least one of our concerns. Are you staying at the farmhouse?"

Morgan looks up at Basil, her lips twitching around the kazoo. She says nothing, but she does stop chewing on it quite so much, and her attention shifts to Derek, as the slightly less familiar of the group.

"How much did you manage to get out of Tu since I last saw you?" Kevin asks Derek with a frown.

Derek looks from Gray to Kevin, and then shakes his head. "I mostly stay at the house in town, but as long as I do my best to stay out of trouble, I'm allowed to come here, too." He looks as if he'd really like to shrink.

Grey grunts. "Bit of a long trip," he notes, after a brief glance at Kevin for confirmation. "All right. Obviously, Tu trusts you enough not to run off on us. Did he provide you with a cellphone?"

"Don't I know it," Kevin says with a nostalgic sigh. "But it helps keep you fit, right, Derek?"

Derek shakes his head. "Nope." He says, before he digs one out of his pocket. "I've got one of my own." He looks over to Kevin and then he just shrugs, once, before he offers it to Grey.

Grey shakes his head, not taking the cub's phone. Instead, he reaches into his coat and takes out a small notepad and pen. "I'd prefer you memorize this rather than program it into your cell," he says as he writes. "I don't want to get any prank phone calls because someone's managed to steal your phone." He rips off the page and offers it to the cub. "Also, you need Dedicated clothing. How attached are you to what you're currently wearing?"

Derek looks down at his getup, and then tugs on it. "It's... you know, clothes." He says, before he examines the number and then folds it up, before he stuffs it into his pocket.

Kevin coughs pointedly. "Given that he just five minutes ago got them out of the stash upstairs, I doubt he's had chance to grow very fond of them yet." He gives Basil a quick grin at his own irony.

Derek mumbles. "I stashed my own," He says. "Tu gave me my money back."

Grey lifts an eyebrow at this, but lets it pass. "Into the barn. Kevin, Basil." He pauses a beat. "Morgan. Have any of you learned Talisman Dedication yet?"

Basil glances at Kevin, looking as though he's going to comment about something before he sees Grey, and thinks better of it. "I haven't. I've seen it done, but I've never done it. I never had a reason to."

"Not me," Kevin confirms. "I seem to recall it being discussed for after I'd shown you how to control small machine-spirits, but then things got in the way..."

Morgan shakes her head as well, pulling the kazoo completely away from her mouth, finally. "Cole-rhya do it for me. I not learn."

Derek looks around. "I'd like to learn," He says, "Though I guess since I'm not rited, like... I'm probably not allowed, yet."

Dillen exits the farmhouse and heads back towards his motorcycle. He is quiet as he passes through. He searches the cycle for a second, pulls out something from a bag on the side and then sets for the bawn. He doesn't really look at anyone as he moves his motorcycle closer to the barn and out of passer by sight.

Grey tucks the notepad and pen back into his coat. "You're not ready to learn proper rituals yet," he confirms. "Often, the spirits won't even respond to a cub." He shrugs, then turns toward the barn, gesturing for Derek to follow. "But I can Dedicate your clothing, and whoever wishes to watch may do so."

Kevin glances at Dillen as he comes out of the farm, and seems to decide something. "I really should get back to town and start on that research for Basil," he demurs. "I know how it works (you'll be fine, Derek), I just don't know how to do it myself. Like driving cars, kinda... But, Thomas. Any chance I might get to see you at my place in the next day or two? Or yours even?"

Grey nods to Kevin. "We'll catch up," he says simply, his expression terribly neutral.

Derek snorts. "Man..." He trails off whatever he was going to say.

Morgan glances toward the barn, as if considering the location rather than the offer to watch. However, it's not much of a bet that she won't tag along, and sure enough, a moment later she turns, clearly intending to follow Grey.

Dillen looks towards the others and takes in a breath. He's got something clenched in his hand and some may see the glint of gold. He turns away and heads off towards the bawn.

Kevin turns away from the barn. Grey is favoured with an equally neutral gaze in farewell, Basil with a slightly longer but equally neutral one. Dillen gets a repeat of the Meaningful Look he got earlier. Derek gets a very slight frown, and Morgan... is passed over entirely. He heads off down the lane.
You paged the room with 'Sorry to depart abruptly. Byee.'.

"I might as well come along. I really haven't got anything better to do until Emma turns up." Basil states, glancing again towards Bug with a small smile. "Morgan? Have you ever met a woman named Kaz?"


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