Sunday, May 28, 2006

"I got thumped for it. Even in homid Grey packs a thump..."

Farmhouse: Hallway and Living Room
All doorways in the front part of the house lead to the front hallway, a J-shaped area with the short tail starting at the stairs, the front door hitting the bottom curve, the doorless opening to the living room halfway up the long side, and the also doorless opening to the kitchen and dining room at the very top. The hall has a simple wooden floor, and decorated with a generic print of soft-colored flowers hanging on the wall to the right of the front door, and a tall table sitting under the print which serves as a place to toss keys. A closet under the stairs serves as a place to hang coats or to toss shoes.
The doorless opening to the living room is halfway up the side of the hall's J, and the word cozy might spring to mind when looking into is, as it seems to radiate comforting vibrations. A long couch sits against the south wall beneath a large bay window curtained only by sheers that manages to obscure the view in but only filters the day's light. A variety of out-of-date magazines are strewn atop a low coffee table; more neatly presented are the plethora of books filling the small bookshelves which line the eastern wall. Three chairs sit about the room, focused inward, to allow group conversations. Large floor pillows are stacked in one corner of the room, except one, which lies carelessly in the middle of the floor, apparently left out the last time it was used.
An opening in the northern end of the hallway allows access to the kitchen and dining room at the back of the house, while carpeted stairs twist up at the other end of the hall, leading to the second floor. A door at the base of the J lets out to the front porch.

Much has changed for Kevin in the last few months; his pack, his status, his outlook on life, his view on many others and vice versa. One thing that hasn't, seemingly, is his appetite; he evidently returned from the Umbra hungry after his totem quest, because here he is sitting in an armchair at the farm with a stack of peanut butter sandwiches to his side, munching contentedly.

Basil steps lightly into the room from the stairway, practically flowing down the steps with a smile on his wet face. "Oh, you're still around the farm? That's good. I was expecting you'd be back in the city by now. Interestin' turn of events, isn't it? Miss Bear, but nail Raccoon. He seemed a little impressed, even."

"Never saw a raccoon before I Firsted," Kevin comments through a mouthful of sandwich. He swallows. "Yeah, when I got back from the flipside, what do I find but there's an SMS on my phone from Thomas bloody Grey... he's back from wherever he went, apparently. I wanted to try and find him and get him to tell me where the hell he went and what's been going on. And things," he adds vaguely and a little shiftily.

"They're neat little guys. Little hands, odd habits, but smart. And sometimes rabid." Basil adds, sitting down in a chair across from Kevin, pulling his arms behind his head for a pillow. "Thomas Grey went somewhere? I just assumed he was around since I never see'm. Wait, what things?" Basil asks, then gestures to one of the sandwiches. "May I?"

Kevin waves his assent to Basil annexing the sandwich. "Thomas and a bunch of others went missing round the same time. Kenneth was one... which is why between him vanishing and me being a bad puppy, Requiem came apart. Who else? I don't remember. Oh, that Shadow Lord Metis, Peter, and the crazy Silver Fang elder... may have been more... I don't know if they all went off together or if any others are back." He looks thoughtfully at his sandwich. "Thomas Grey," he points out quietly, "has one characteristic he shares with only two other people in this sept as far as I know."

"That he's a one eyed Charach? Or just Charach? I'm sure he'll be thrilled now that you both have more in common." Basil comments, remaining lain back in his chair. "Just tell me what's on your mind. You know I'm good at listening, at least, to you."

Kevin sighs. "I just wanted to see if I could get him to tell me about it," he says. "Tell me how he managed to hold his life together, get back on an even keel... like I'm trying to do. Like you're doing."

"How else would you do it?" Basil replies with a smirk, leaning forwards, propping his head up with his fist. "You stand up and keep on walking. If you act like a man, eventually, others will start to treat you like one. If you wallow in your own pity and regret, they never will."

"And do you think I've been acting like a man?" Kevin asks Basil, his face giving nothing away as to what his own opinion is on that query.

"I think you're trying to. But you've always been kind of prideful. Other's opinions of yourself has been lowered, a lot." Basil states simply. "And that bothers you. Maybe you feel like you let Dillen and Brom down. Like you let me down. Like you let everyone that was ever proud of you down. But you can make them proud again, through hard work."

"I didn't ask whether you thought I was trying to," Kevin says laconically. "I asked whether you thought I was. Or if you insist, whether I'm giving that impression to other garou.

"I think you are. But you've got some work to do. Just keep walking forward." Basil adds, leaning back in his seat again. "Besides. If I didn't think you were, I wouldn't ask you to pack with me."

"I keep asking myself," Kevin explains, "whether packing with you after... all that... is just going to get people looking at us like we're still sinning. But then I tell myself, packing is the best chance we had to increase our chances of surviving the tire fire..."

"If people think we're still doing it, then tell them to go get a Philodox. Kaz certainly wouldn't vouch for us if we were. And I'm not going to be going after you again. Just put it behind you, Kev, or you'll never get over it." Basil murmurs, closing his eye with a shake of his head. "About the tire fire, I need you to do something for me. How good are you with a computer?"

Kevin eyes Basil reproachfully. "Oh, Basil," he chides. "I'm a Glass Walker. I'm good enough, I bet you. And if not, Tu will be."

"Well I've never seen you use one or talk about them much, so." Basil states with a shrug, snickering. "I need you to do a couple things. First I want you to go to the tire fire, and find out what company runs it. In the physical world. There have to be signs or something. Next, I want you to research them, if it's local or big, who owns it, where they live if you can find that."

Kevin chuckles. "No need to waste time going back," he says, rattling off the name of the firm which appeared on the tire-yard's gates when the scouting party went on its recent visit. "I'll go and dig up all the dirt about it when I'm next at home."

Basil rummages around in his pockets and pulls out a small dirty notepad and a pen that has lost it's cap, scribbling down the name in neat, printed hand writing. "Ok. I'm going to be looking for more packies, and a way to shut down the physical reflection."

"I'm not sure you can shut it down while the umbral version is blazing away with those things at its heart," Kevin says, "but by all means try. Be careful," he qualifies.

"Anything can be stopped. While it's in the physical world, we can stop the fire, one way or another. Fire is just fire. The problem is that the company would just start it up again." Basil starts, leaning forward with a thoughtful expression on his face. "If we just kill them, the company will default to someone else, who might continue it. Bribes won't work because we don't have any money. Blackmail, however... May. But first, we need to find these people, and see if they're tainted."

Kevin raises his hand from the arm of the chair in order to click his fingers. "You smart bastard," he says admiringly. "I didn't think of it from that angle. One gets you ten the owners have the Wyrm in their hearts, but even if they do we can perhaps work on it from another angle than the full-frontal one Emma's been stressing out about."

"If they do turn out to be tainted, or agents of the Wyrm... Then this is what we do." Basil states. "We have a team of Werewolves wait until they are in the office, and make it into a splatter fest that could make a butcher sick. Then we take machetes and hatchets to the bodies, and leave a note, along with the same notes sent to the authorities. We state that it was a fanatical Green Peace like group. Or that's what we were. And we'll do that to anyone that takes control of the fire, and their families, and everyone they love if they start it up again." Basil murmurs in a dark tone, then shakes his head. "It's a hollow threat. I wouldn't kill an innocent person. But they wouldn't take that chance."

"Those tainted by the Wyrm are by definition not innocent," Kevin points out. "But to put the blame onto the innocent is dangerous, particularly when the innocent are among those who have some faint idea of what's wrong with this poor bloody planet and are trying to fix it, not knowing that's our job..."

"I didn't say we'd blame Green Peace. I mean like, say we're some new nutter group. Like... Fuck, I dunno. Earth Mother's Jihad. Before we go into the office, we cut power so no cameras or shit will get us." Basil explains. "Then we run in in Crinos so we can see, and they can't. We use human weapons instead of claws to take them apart if they aren't formor. We also send letters to the media, in case the police don't release them."

Kevin winces at the word 'jihad'. "The way things are at the moment, any hint of terrorism will bring so many cops down on the crime scene that one of them would be bound to stumble across the truth by sheer law of averages," he says. "Sure, we kill them if they need killing. But we make it look like a robbery that went wrong, maybe? That way it'll just be the local cops and not half the FBI."

"But why would robbers target... Well, an office building? And if we did do that, we'd have to move a lot of the computers and shit out to make it look legit. But that could work. A new kind of robber." Basil thinks about it for a moment, then nods a bit more. "I like that idea. Good thinking. But I still need the info, and it's critical we know if this is a big company or a local one. I'm going to have to stick here, and pitch this to Emma. It's her baby."

"Drug addicts," Kevin says, with his usual sneer at the mention of drugs. "They'll break in anywhere they think they can make a cheap buck, and they're generally so strung out and hyped up they're liable to flip and attack someone if they find them inside a house they're robbing." A thought seems to strike him, now. "Oh," he adds, "you'd better take this, since Raccoon didn't want it." He pulls a little plastic bag out of his pocket and tosses it to Basil with a frown.

Basil snatches the bag out of the air with a grin, and quickly tucks it away in his pocket. "Another good idea. I'm sure me and Emma will be able to work a plan together, if she approves. We're gonna need someone to also stake these guys out and see if they're Wyrm tainted with a Gift. Kaz can do that, if no one else around can."

"I think Emma could do with a helping hand," Kevin agrees. "She's getting awfully hung-up in this thing herself, I don't think she believes she can do it. I tried to tell her she could... which I believe... but you know how it is..."

"Emma is a very good Garou with more drive and courage than I'll ever have. She's the only Get I've ever truly respected." Basil replies honestly. "I think though that by taking down the physical reflection, it'll weaken the spirit. And if we don't, what will keep the physical one from causing another 'blight' when we kill everything in the 'Bra?"

"Let's hope you're right," Kevin says. "You're right about Emma, anyway. She's good. As for the rest... hmm. I wonder," he goes on, "what Raccoon will do to help out."

"Maybe he'll show up and start swingin' his mitts around. Or maybe he'll rally other spirits to the cause. Who knows? He's a crafty fellow." Basil snickers at the Ragabash. "I really like'm. I wasn't sure at first, but now I am."

"Like I said," Kevin comments, "he isn't Fenris, and he'll take some getting used to for me. But he seems pretty cool in his own way."

"You're a Ragabash. You and he will get along sooner or later. Even if he isn't Fenrir, he's still a great spirit." Basil pauses, then adds. "And much stronger than you or I put together."

Kevin allows himself a faint smile. "Totem spirits tend to be," he points out. "And other spirits too. That's why Garou form packs. So we don't have to fight one on one more often than we can help. I've only been telling you that for about a year, man."

"Better late than never, huh?" Basil rises from his seat and walks into the kitchen, setting about the task of making a sub sandwich for himself while continuing the conversation at a louder volume. "So what do you think about it all, huh? The pack? Kaz, of all people, a Fostern, letting me lead her?"

"You Bone Gnawers are crazy," Kevin says good-naturedly. "I don't know a single other tribe where rank means so little. Hell, your tribal elder's a Cliath and she's ruling over two fosterns last I heard. But if it works I'm not going to tell you it's wrong."

"I think it's because they both respect Olga and her wisdom so much. And I do too. I like Yi, and I like Kaz, but Olga is the better leader." Basil calls, walking back in with a large sandwich clutched in one hand and a can of soda in the other.

"So why isn't she challenging for Fostern then?" Kevin asks, picking up another of his own sandwiches and taking a bite.

"She's got too much to do. Taking care of Squeaks, all of us, new cubs, and making sure everyone in her Tribe is well fed and cared for." Basil murmurs, smiling all the while. "She's a hell of an Elder."

Kevin nods. "Which is why she'd make a good Fostern," he smiles. "But like I already said, rank in your tribe doesn't work the way it does in other folks'. If she can't be bothered, more power to her elbow."

"She's putting her Tribe before herself, and her own personal gain. It's really admirable, you know." Basil takes a bit bite of his sandwich, bowing his head. "She's the kinda Garou I wanna be."

"She was just so sweet to me when I was a wee cub," Kevin recalls, "and some of my tribemates treated her like dirt for it. That was one of the times I got mad with Thomas Grey. One of the many times..."

Kristin comes down the steps, skiping to at a time as she heads for the kitchen. The girl-cub comes to a halt at the bottom of the steps as she sees others. "Ummm... Hello." she says warmly greeting them with a nod.
"Well you stuck up for her then? Good. You should always try to stick up for people when they do something nice for you. It's the right thing to do."

Basil's attention turns to Kristin when she enters the room, and almost immediately, he bows his head to her. "Hello there. Don't think I've seen you around before."

"I got thumped for it," Kevin says drily. "Even in homid Grey packs a thump... hello, there," he echoes as he twists in his chair to look at Kristin.

She is maybe a fraction of an inch or so over five feet tall without footwear. She's naturally slender and almost unusually petite; with no real breasts to speak of, and with the slightest of slim curves that mark her body as female. Her skin is dark brown-the color of brown sugar, not a true dark brown but a light warm brown. Her hair is brown-black and is neither truly straight nor is it curly. Her eyes are brown, nearly black, they are slightly more round than almond shaped. Her eyebrows are thin, and slender.

A pair of slight rounded, and yet squared pair of classes sits over her eyes. A white tee-shirt adorns her torso;the design is a crown of stars, in silver and gold with a little bit of glitter on it. Her low cut hip-hugging jeans are somewhat faded and look slightly worn. The belt is a simple silver chain that loops around and has some extra chain hanging down to create a bit of decoration. The jeans flare out at the bottom, revealing some rather broken in tennis shoes.

Kristin grins. She walks over to the other two, brushing hair out of her way. "Hi, what's going on... what's all this about?" she raises an eyebrow. "More talk I won't understand I take it..." she says tapping her foot.

"Green horn, are you?" Basil asks, eying Kristin briefly before looking back at Kevin. "Yeah. Sometimes the right thing to do is sorta painful. Anyways. We were just planning on some messy business and a few other deals, shooting the shit, stuff like that."

Kristin listens. "Yes... I'm new... and unknowledgeable... so don't try and corrupt me." she says jokingly fanning herself. "I mean.. Uhh... do try... but don't be so through." she winks.

Kevin seemed about to make some polite greeting to Kristin, but at the mention of corruption his brow furrows in a frown. "So they've already warned you to steer clear of us nasty charachs, have they?" he snaps at the girl bitterly.

Basil just looks at her for a moment, then starts laughing rather loudly, falling back into the chair with his soda can clutched to his stomach. "I think... Ha! I think she was joking, but uh, wow. Fate has a hell of a sense of humor."

Kristin tilits her head to the side. "Cha-char-charachs?" she asks playing with the word and looking highly confused.

"Oh, they didn't tell you why to keep away from us?" Kevin asks no less bitterly. "Well, I won't go into gruesome detail, I'm sure your elders will tell you soon enough. Do you have a name to share with us?" he asks Kristin.

Kristin nods. "Kristin, though if you want Kris'll do just fine." she says pleasantly, looking around for a seat as she stretches her leggs out.

"Lets just say that he and I are 'bad' in the eyes of most every other Garou in the entire Sept. You'll find out why any time now. But it's not something to talk about now. Anyways." He takes a big bite of his sub sandwich, then slaps it down on the table and cracks open his soda. "Nice to meet you, Kris. What's your Tribe? Auspice? Sign?"

Kevin takes a bite of his own sandwich, and says nothing more for now, though his eyes are fixed on Kristin in a not entirely pleasant manner.

Stacey opens the front door and steps into Farmhouse and peeks into the living room as she hears familiar voices. "Oh, hey Basil, Kev," she says, smiling, then nods to the cub, moving to take a seat. "Kristin, how've ya been?"

Kristin jumps. She actualy ends up a little bit away from Stacey, Kevin and Basil... "I was just introducing myself to them." she motions to Basil and Kevin. "Child of Gaia, Theurge.... sign?" she asks confused.

Basil looks over at Stacey, ignoring Kevin's dour expression for the moment. "Hey Stacey. How's it going? Long time no see! You know I've formed a pack now? We've got a Totem and everything. It's really great." Basil merrily takes a big swig from his soda, then gestures it at Kristin. "You know, like, Capricorn and so on? Gaian though? You'll be fine. Just listen to what your Elders tell you."

Kevin finishes his sandwich. "Well, real nice to meet you, Kristin of the Children of Gaia," he says in a voice redolent with irony. "There's no rest for the wicked --" he emphasises that last word a little -- "Basil has ordered me to look into something for him, so I'd better get on with it." He rises from his chair and gives Stacey a polite if somewhat blank "Hello, Stacey," as he heads for the door.


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